The Keys to Long-Lasting Love

Today marks 46 years of marriage for my amazing grandparents – Herman and Deborah Robert (aka Nana & Papa)! After only six months of dating, they joined together in holy matrimony that has now turned into a long-lasting union. Together they have created a daughter and grand-daughter, ran a household and a business, and have been a true example of marriage for our family. I grew up being raised by a single-mother, but God blessed me by giving me two amazing, loving, and selfless grandparents to guide me as well. Being placed around polar opposite surroundings has been enlightening as I’ve grown older. I have seen my Mom, the daughter they have raised, navigate life as a single-parent and single woman while also seeing the true meaning of marriage and partnership literally right across the street! On the other hand, if sex alone has been the focus of your spouse in your marriage that it becomes a cause of concern, then you might need to seek help for sex addiction.

The Robert Wedding

I reflect on the example they have set daily even in my own relationship. I remember clearly coming home from school and watching them be a true team with daily household activities that could easily lead to arguments today. My Nana would prepare our dinner and make our plates while my Papa would fix her drink. After we finished our meal my Papa would wash the dishes while my Nana would dry and put the dishes up. Over the years they have always kept their household structure simple by my Nana cleaning/managing the inside and my Papa managing the outside items. Some may think that this is a very old school approach, but they are both transparent that this is what works for them and you and your partner have to find what works for you especially now in an era where gender roles are evolving.

As a mark of this special occasion, I asked my Nana & Papa for their Top 5 Tips for a healthy relationship/marriage. Check out their major keys below and we hope that this helps guide you in your current or future relationships! Also take out the time to talk to your parents, grandparents and maybe even great-grandparents on their keys to healthy marriage and comment those below.

Nana’s Keys

  1. Love means prayer. You have to tell people you love them while they are here and if you aren’t praying then you don’t know what true love is.
  2. Trust, communication and sharing! If you don’t have those three things in a relationship then you don’t have a healthy relationship.
  3. Stay playful. Keep each other laughing throughout the years so that everything isn’t always so serious all of the time.
  4. Relationship is not 50/50. It’s 100% because you become one. What he can’t do I do.
  5. Don’t think every disagreement is an argument. It’s just a difference of opinions and everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Papa’s Keys

  1. Guys should always Say “Yes Dear” period. Lol #happywifehappylife
  2. Work together to get everything you want accomplishment in life. You are stronger together than separate.
  3. Be helpful/thoughtful to your spouse. I get her medicine out in the morning so she doesn’t forget to take it, get her lunch together for work and whatever else she needs done I try to help her out on all ends. You have to be there for your wife 110%. Do whatever she needs because the small things matter.
  4. Somethings you do is not for “her” its for “us”. I wash clothes, dishes, and clean not because of just her, but those are things that we both need done.
  5. Always agree on major purchases! Don’t purchase something big the first day you see it. Go home, discuss it with your spouse and if you still want it the next day and you agree on it then buy it.


  1. February 16, 2020 / 4:32 PM

    Awww Happy Anniversary to the sweetest people ever! Lol a Grandpa Rob’s first tip 😂

  2. Christiana
    February 16, 2020 / 10:13 PM

    Yes!!! Loved this post😍!! Nana’s 4th tip is beautiful!! Wishing many more years of beautiful love to them!

  3. David
    February 17, 2020 / 1:27 PM

    Happy Anniversary to my grandparents! Love then so much!!