Killin’ Goals All 2020

I always struggled with the question, “If you friends could describe you in one word what would it be?” This question of course never comes up when you are actually in the company of your friends, but always comes up in interviews. During an interview I would always just say the first word that would come to mind in the heat of the moment – determined, hardworking, creative, etc. Fortunately, my long awaited question was answered at my college graduation party when one of my best friends (HEY BROOKE! lol) finally answered this question by saying the perfect word to describe me – FOCUSED.

I’ve always taken great satisfaction in surrounding myself with what is essentially a tunnel vision in order to stay focused on all of my objectives and aspirations and to hopefully create a bright future for myself and future generations. I put a lot of pressure on myself because I’m a first-generation college student majoring in Electrical Engineering, just like those people at (yeah, I’m sort of a nerd). It was always on my mind that I needed to make good grades (graduated with a 3.57 #teambeautyandbrains), graduate with a job offer and be the first in my family to gain a college degree (officially on the road for degree #2). I’m happy to say I was able to accomplish all 3 and now 2 years later I’ve grown and developed my own tips to share of what I do to stay locked in on my goals for the year.

Tip #1: Goal Setting

Even though we are already a month down in 2020, I love creating what I guess you can call my New Year Resolutions. I know everyone says that resolutions are made to be broken, but I just focus on creating however many goals I feel are necessary for me for said year (for example last year I did 9 goals for 2019).

Being that I take my iPhone EVERYWHERE I have grown to love the Notes App (literally my most used app along side Instagram). I put my goals there as a way to constantly check on what I could be working towards. I love that you can even share notes with friends and family for as well.

Lastly, my favorite thing about setting goals is going back at the end of the year and looking at how much you’ve accomplished! I’m posting my 2020 Goals here so you guys can keep me accountable as well (the bolded books are the ones I’ve completed so far so good).

Tip #2: Weekly Check-In

If you are the type of person that just needs to take time to prioritize your thoughts, weekly work/personal goals and events this is perfect for you! I found this Weekly Check-In on Instagram and it definitely calmed me down when preparing for a busy work week on top of a hectic social life.

Using this Check-In really makes you think about what can you change or do this week that will make you better than last week. What habits can you get rid of and what habits can you gain. If you are feeling stressed or under a lot of pressure try this tactic out for a week and see if this possibly makes a difference for you.

Tip #3: The Company You Keep

My last and final tip to help crush your goals this year is looking at the company you keep. It’s true what they say – “Birds of a feather flock together.” Look at your group of friends and evaluate if you are being stagnant or excelling. True friends will push you towards your goals and keep you accountable on your word.

My family and friends all know that I don’t like to sugarcoat things so I love having them in my corner telling me when I’m slacking in a certain area whether that’s fitness, career goals or just being an all around better human being. Take the time to look at different things (big or small) like the group chats you’re in and see if this is a true reflection of you and your future self.

I hope these tips help each and everyone of you! Comment down below what your 2020 Goals are. Let’s all hold each other accountable and live everyday to our fullest potential. You never know when its your last.



  1. February 7, 2020 / 5:48 PM

    I love the blog bestie! Knowing who are are, I am confident in applying these tips to my life as well!

    • kaylarobert
      February 7, 2020 / 5:49 PM

      Thank you Bestie!